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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при Европейском союзе

Опубликовано 2015-03-17 00:00:00

Calling on Europe to a constructive dialogue to resolve the Ukrainian crisis

Address to the participants of the EU summit in Brussels

Distinguished Heads of State and Government of the European Union!

With deep concern and anxiety, we have been monitoring relations between the EU and Russia the positive development of which has been stopped by the crisis in Ukraine. We declare that our relations are frozen in some spheres and are significantly degrading in others.

However, the deepest concern is intolerance which the statements of some European politicians and their assessment of the situation and policy initiatives contain. Unfortunately, where a constructive and business-like tone is now demanded, we hear sometimes openly extremist statements typical for fringe rather than serious politicians. Political radicalism must be restricted by the responsibility before voters who want peace in Europe being our common home. In the current situation around Ukraine, irresponsible statements are considered as aiding political extremism condemned by the civilized society.

The information field of the summit exacerbates the difficult situation that has developed in resolving the crisis in Ukraine and in the relations between Russia and the European Union in general. We are sure that only tranquil, precise and balanced rhetoric will give all of us a real chance to overcome the current differences, to develop constructive approaches to real de-escalation of tensions, to return our relationship to the traditional way of strategic partnership and cooperation.

It's time to stop. It's time to think about the consequences of heating up mistrust and hostility. They lead us to a deadlock and threaten peaceful coexistence and business partnership. We call on all political forces in Europe to abandon the language of confrontation and threats and to take the course to the relaxation of tension in information atmosphere, to collegiality and mutual consideration of interests.

We hope that a significant contribution to this can be made by new political forces in Europe which are now widely represented in European and national parliaments. These are France's National Front, the UK Independence Party, Greek Syriza and other public associations of the "old" and "new" Europe. They propose approaches to solving the problems of the European and world policies, which receive growing support from the public. They can help the current European leaders to find acceptable solutions to the crisis over Ukraine.

We are convinced that the time has come to remember the slogans that united the European nations over the decades. There are slogans calling for struggling for peace and relaxation of international tensions. The powerful spirit of tolerance peculiar to the European civilization is demanded especially sharply at a time when a civil war calms down one day then flares up again another day on the territory of one of the largest countries in Europe. Allowing the possibility of delivery of weapons, military equipment and mercenary troops to Ukraine could lead to a sharp and extremely dangerous deterioration of peace agreements and the entire security system in Europe. This will put us on the brink of a great war. A compromise can be found not only by diplomatic efforts, but also by a mass social movement for peace whose voice will be heard in the European parliaments. We believe that this voice will constrain the supporters of political extremism.

The current crisis makes us unite and act together to protect the common values, the values of Christianity and humanism, the legacy of great European civilization and the Age of Enlightenment. Only tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect, compassion, love can help us to overcome the current difficulties.

The Russian version of the petition has been already signed by Members of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and representatives of Russian NGOs.

Source: peacekeeper.ru / change.org

Source URL: https://russiaeu.ru/ru/node/1816