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Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the European Union

Submitted on 2012-04-03 22:00:00

Comment by Ambassador Konstantin Dolgov, Russian MFA Representative on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, on a neo-Nazi rally in Denmark

A rally of hundreds of neo-Nazis in Aarhus, the second largest city in Denmark, causes legitimate concern. It was also attended by extreme right, radical and nationalist delegates from the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and a number of other countries, who were screaming out racist and anti-Islamic slogans. The fact that the gathering had been sanctioned by the Danish authorities causes apprehension.

Such “official” support of extremist mobs, connivance of racist and neo-Nazi trends only contribute to the rise of social intolerance and lead to further reinforcement of radical moods already felt in Europe.

Particularly dangerous are attempts to use people’s religious feelings in selfish political interests which have nothing to do with true aspirations of the overwhelming majority of population of the countries concerned.

We believe that Danish leaders should have prevented such a gathering discrediting the policy of any state in the field of human rights, democracy and rule of law.

We hope that Copenhagen will draw appropriate lessons for the future, the need of which arises from Denmark’s international commitments.

Source URL: https://russiaeu.ru/en/node/305