Floods in the Krasnodar Region: How to help

Submitted on Sun, 07/15/2012 - 22:00

The all-Russian public organization “Russian Red Cross” has opened unified bank accounts for helping the people of Kuban affected by floods.

Bank details (for transfers in Russian roubles):

TIN 2309030678
RRC 230901001
Krasnodar regional unit of the all-Russian public organisation “Russian Red Cross”
Krasnodarskoye otdelenie No.8619 Sberbanka Rossii
Loro account: 30101810100000000602
BIC: 040349602
Settlement account: 40703810330000000106
Purpose of payment: Voluntary donation for persons affected by floods in the Krasnodar Region in 2012

Bank details (for transfers in foreign currency):

TIN: 7728014523
RRC: 772801001
All-Russian public organisation “Russian Red Cross”
Bank of beneficiary:
Settlement account: 40703840100020008563 USD
Settlement account: 40703978700020008563 EURO
Loro account: 30101810400000000225
BIC: 044525225
Purpose of payment: Voluntary donation for persons affected by floods in the Krasnodar Region in 2012

Thank you for your support.