Interviews, press-conferences and speeches

Almost 40 years ago, in 1975 when all European countries, including Russia, then the Soviet Union, and other states that are now part of the EU signed the famous Helsinki Final Act, and thus explic
- Let’s talk about the forthcoming Vilnius Eastern Partnership summit, to be held on 28-29 November.
Q: Russia has taken a very active role in resolving the standoff over Syria and convincing Damascus to surrender all chemical weapons.
- Following the EU-Russia summit in Yekaterinburg was there any progress in visa talks?
Let me begin by expressing my profound gratitude for initiating this exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. We are grateful to MEP Dr. Maštalka and his assistants.
The topic of today’s round table and the entire conference – The EU and Emerging Powers – is quite relevant, as we are witnessing the emergence of not only an increasingly globalised world economy,
- What are your impressions of the recent EU-Russian joint ministerial held in Moscow?
- Владимир Алексеевич, в чем особенность формата встреч Правительство РФ – Европейская комиссия?